Who should apply for RPL
Through RPL, provision has been made for persons who do not have the relevant formal qualifications to register but have some substantial knowledge and experience in the field of a specific category. This also includes applicants who have non-built environment related qualifications or qualifications that are not recognised for registration in a specific category. According to Section 11 (a) and 19(1)(a) and (b) of the Project and Construction Management Professions Act 48 of 2000:
A person must apply in the prescribed digital application form for RPL, accompanied by the prescribed fee. The applicant will be required to apply for RPL before being recommended for registration in a particular category and designation.
Part of the application, applicants will be required to sign and adhere to a Code of Conduct. If an applicant is found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct will result in a penalty against the applicant as determined by the SACPCMP.
In terms of Section 12 of Act 48 of 2000, the Council may, regarding the fees and charges which are payable to the Council, determine:
- Application fees
- Registration fees
- Annual fees or portion thereof, in respect of a part of a year.
- The date on which the fee or charge is payable
- The fees payable for an appeal in terms of section 24(1) or
- Any other fee or charge it considers necessary
The Council may grant exemption from payment of application fees, registration fees, annual fees, charges, or a portion thereof referred to above on a case-by-case basis and after application by the relevant applicant. All the approved fees related to registration including RPL are gazetted annually, and these are the fees which will be applied for RPL for the relevant period of validity.